Print & Digital Magazine Ad Specs:

The publication is produced using the Computer To Plate (CTP) process. All files must be CMYK and 300 dpi. PDF X1A formats are preferred, but ads produced in InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop are also acceptable. (If an InDesign file has transparencies, make a high-res press-ready PDF instead of an X1A to avoid flattening the file. Flattening might cause overprinting commands in the resulting file.)

Ads must be supplied with the following requirements:

  • Trim size: 8.375” w x 10.875” h
  • Bleed: 1/4” MINIMUM to ALL edges (Bleed ads are optional. Bleed is already included in the bleed sizes above.)
  • Live/Type area: All non-bleed items should be 1/4” minimum from the TRIM edge.
  • Fonts: All fonts must be embedded, outlined, or supplied with the files. Post-script or Open Type fonts preferred.
  • Images: PSD, AI, TIF, or EPS; CMYK (or grayscale), 300 dpi resolution.
  • Crop marks: If crop and bleed marks are included in PDFs please offset them by a minimum of .26”


We recommend supplying a color proof that accurately reproduces the color of the ad as it will be used for color matching on press.

All proofs must be representative of the ad supplied and should be a high-quality digital proof that meets SWOP standards. If copy changes are made, the proof should be marked “For Color Only.” Color correctness cannot be guaranteed if color proof is substandard, or no proof is provided.

Preferred proof formats:

High Resolution Digital color proofs (eg: Xerox Fiery, Epson Stylus) Traditional color proofs (eg: Matchprint, Progressives, Tear Sheet)


The following disclaimer must be placed in all artwork when the name of the U.S. government or any of its agencies is invoked in the copy. Where possible, please identify the actual agency in the disclaimer.

“The [agency] did not select or approve this advertiser and does not endorse and is not responsible for the views or statements contained in this advertisement.”

Video Launch:

Video Launch will open your video in an overlay directly on your advertisement in the digital edition.

Simply provide us with a link to your YouTube or Vimeo hosted video. We recommend that your video be no more than 60 seconds in length. Video privacy setting in YouTube and Vimeo must be set to public. Video will not launch in magazine if set to private.

If your organization does not have its own organizational YouTube or Vimeo account, Faircount can discreetly host the video on our managed YouTube account. You must have all permissions to the content of the video including imagery and sound.

View example of Video Launch The Peraton ad creative, located on the right-facing page, utilizes the Video Launch feature.

Website and eNewsletter Banner Ad Specs

In-story Banner Ad

728 x 180 pixels

  • File types
    • .gif (simple animations and transparency allowed)
    • .jpeg or .png image file
    • Maximum file size is 40k
  • URL link to the destination landing page
  • Dimensions: 728x180 pixels

Run-of-site Banner Ad

300 x 250 pixels

  • File types
    • .gif (simple animations and transparency allowed)
    • .jpeg or .png image file
    • Maximum file size is 40k
  • URL link to the destination landing page
  • Dimensions: 300x250 pixels

Leaderboard Banner Ad

728 x 90 pixels

  • File types
    • .gif (simple animations and transparency allowed)
    • .jpeg or .png image file
    • Maximum file size is 40k
  • URL link to the destination landing page
  • Dimensions: 728x90 pixels

eNewsletter Banner Ad

300 x 250 / 728 x 90 / 728 x 180 pixels

  • File types
    • .gif (simple animations and transparency allowed)
    • .jpeg or .png image file
    • Maximum file size is 40k
  • URL link to the destination landing page
  • Dimensions: 300x250, 728x90, and/or 728x180 pixels

Native Editorial Content


  • Content must fit seamlessly with and be topically relevant to our existing content.
  • Must provide some level of benefit or clear value to visitors
  • Final approval of sponsored editorial and video rests with DefenseMediaNetwork’s Editor in Chief.
  • Offensive, biased, political, lewd, or deceptive content will not be accepted.
  • Links will be provided, but not indexed.


  • AP Style (submitted via MS Word)
  • Text must be submitted in Microsoft Word Document (.doc) format.
  • Text should be at least 1,200 but no more than 2,400 words.
  • Provide a headline. Use something with strong reader draw and SEO.
  • Text must be edited and proofed. We will review and advise as to errors, if needed.
  • Please provide at least three (3) images in .jpg or .png format. Each image must submitted as a stand-alone file.
  • One image must be designated as your ‘featured’ image. This image must be at least 1400 pixels wide and have a minimum resolution of 72 dpi. The other images, which will appear in line with your text, must be at least 1200 pixels wide or 1200 pixels tall, and have a minimum resolution of 72 dpi. [We do encourage up to 150 dpi.]
  • Each image’s location in the story, should be marked up in your text file (.doc) and should include a caption and image source/credit.
  • If you have links or URLs that you would like to include in the article, please mark them up in your text file.
  • Your article will be shared via social media. Please include your Twitter and Facebook account names within your text file. Also, provide two relevant #hashtags to go along with your social media posts.

Submitting Ad Files

  • Ad files 5MB and under can be emailed to
  • Include your organization’s name and “Creative Materials” in your email subject line.
  • Files larger than 5MB can be uploaded to special folder. Please contect your sales representative.

    Once we have processed your ad files, we will send a confirmation email.

    For assistance please contact:

    Robin Jobson or +1 (813) 675-3830

Faircount, LLC. does not assume responsibility for the advertisements, nor any representation made therein, nor the quality or deliverability of the products themselves. Reproduction of articles and photographs, in whole or in part, contained herein is prohibited without express written consent of the publisher, with the exception of reprinting for news media use. None of the advertising contained herein implies U.S. government, U.S. Department of Department of Defense, or U.S. Special Operations Command endorsement of any private entity or enterprise. Printed in the United States of America.

The contents of this website or the planned publication are not necessarily the views of, or endorsed by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Special Operations Command. The use of logos, images, quotes, links, video, and participation by current or prior defense department or government employees does not constitute endorsement.
Faircount Media Group 
450 Carillon Parkway, Suite 105 St. Petersburg, FL 33716
P: 813 675 3800